Design Diaries: 05 May N˚ 2 Inspo & Updates

Design Diaries: 05 May N˚ 2 Inspo & Updates

Inspiration & Updates

Aside from giving a BTS look at what it's like to run a fashion brand, I also want to share with you interesting updates and inspiration.

While I love to design and create, much of my time is spent on other things related to taking the brand forward and growing. This can range from admin topics to networking to strategy and excel models. For me, I always have one eye on the present and one eye looking ahead to the future. When I'm not running to different appointments and meetings, or behind my computer, here are some of the recent happenings and inspiration I took along the way:


Kaktos Botanical Society Photoshoot

In preparation for an upcoming event, we did a short photoshoot at the space, Kaktos Botanical Society here in Barcelona. You can read all about it in our BTS blog!


Mood Boards

I put together a lot of different mood boards, it helps me connect my thoughts and organize visually what I'm trying to create. 

Here are a few standout images from the mood boards:


What's been in our earbuds?

After a concert to see El Búho in Madrid last month, I've been all about electronic cumbia music. Here's a track that's been on repeat lately: Brujería (feat. Li Saumet)



Thoroughly Caffeinated

As you may garner from our instagram, Rubisnacks loves her flat whites, especially when it is over meeting other founders to discuss new ideas, events, and plans. Suffice it to say, there has been an increase in the caffeine intake these past few months as we’re rolling out new things: RubiOmens, CasaCaprichos x Kaktos Botanical, and Samaná Sunday Markets.

Samana Markets

We’ve had the lovely opportunity to be a part of the Samana Soul weekend markets. Sabina, a yogi and pilates teacher, curates a monthly market with makers from Barcelona.


The day is dotted with short classes in meditation, yoga, and pilates. They’ve also included a special cacao and matcha tasting along with homemade vegan sweet treats. My favorite part of these markets is connecting with other business owners and learning about their work. 

Spotlight: Sevilla Pink

Be on the lookout. I’ll be spotlighting the Sevilla Pink and Purple Polka Dot in Artemis. You’ll learn about the inspiration behind the print and how I got it made.


What's on My Camera Roll


And finally, sharing postcards from Rubisnacks around the world: Thank you Rose for the pic!

She is on a research grant studying indigenous architecture in the Caribbean and making bold moves.

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