How I design prints and the inspiration behind them
The Rubisnacks Design Process
The process behind how I design the custom prints of Rubisnacks and where I get my inspiration.

Design is not a linear exercise, neatly blocked off into units of time devoted to a one directional progression towards a final product.

On this artistic journey, I collect ideas and inspiration from experiences that cross my path - music, a color combination or texture, something I saw on a fashion show runway, a photograph or painting, or a pattern made by nature.

I place them into my metaphorical basket to later explore each in a more deliberate process, where I unload all these ideas, as if onto a large blanket, and start to plan out the next collection.

I mix and match, play with different shades and textures and sizes. I imagine how my customer would wear these prints, how she would style them.

It’s an on going process of yes, no, maybe, let’s try. It’s rarely neat and succinct, but eventually fits into a refined collection of prints that I release each month.
Though each print is unique, they share a common aesthetic that my consumers enjoy - something elegant, something bold, something colorful, something neutral. A print for each of our moods and for all the experiences we encounter in a day.

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