Recent Barcelona Health and Wellness Events Round Up
It’s been a busy start to the year with events, galas, and workshops!
For Rubisnacks Barcelona, it’s all about community and connection - through these events, we’ve had the chance to connect with other businesses in the health, wellness, and the active lifestyle space.

Here’s a roundup of the events we were part of this past few months:
Barcelona Health Fair, hosted by Attika Fitness:
Kicking the year off in the right direction, we were a selected brand to be a part of the first Barcelona Health Fair by Attika Fitness. Founded by Teodora Sklayne, Attika is a friendly fitness studio, with a holistic, 360˚ approach to health and wellness. Teo fosters a community space through events, like this, and we were thrilled to be a part of it. The fair featured talks on topics like mycelium technology by Boulet Mushrooms and Resistance Thinking, offered free health scans, and included a collaborative breathing exercise with ShowUp Barcelona, emphasizing the importance of mental well-being.
Read more: Attika Barcelona Health Fair
Roots & Rolls Gala:
When Holly Barber calls you up about an event, my answer is always yes. She is an entrepreneur in health and wellness, and is always doing interesting initiatives. When she shared about her Veganuary Gala at Roots&Rolls here in Barcelona, we were happy to participate!

Read more: Roots & Rolls Gala
Espai Adarsha:
It’s amazing the people you meet along the way. I was introduced to Sabina from Samaná and she invited our brand, Rubisnacks Barcelona, to participate in the Wellness Market at Espai Adarsha. A collection of curated artisans and brands, it was an afternoon of interacting with others interested in yoga, meditation and sound healing. Through the event, Sabina led a series of short classes, included pilates, sound meditation and yin yoga. Plus, there was a cacao tasting done by Full Power Cacao and we learned about the various benefits.
Read More: Wellness Market
Flamme The Couples App x Valentine's Day:
To celebrate love and our Happy Hearts collection, we collaborated with Flamme App on a Valentine’s Day giveaway. As a fellow Barcelona-based entrepreneur, we’ve know founder Ankit Nayal through business school and a ton of mutual connections. Along with his team, they’ve launched Flamme, which is the couples app to help strengthen relationships. Think, the ever-after part of a relationship. We were so happy to be a part of their Valentine’s Day campaign.
Read more: Flamme App