2023 Retrospect
A recap of 2023 - What we learned, experienced, and how we've grown
Happy New Year! Wishing you a fantastic start to 2024. As we look forward to the year to come, let’s first take a moment to reflect back on what we’ve learned, experienced, and how we’ve grown over this past year.
2023: Notable Firsts
2023 stands out as a year filled with notable firsts - Rubisnacks launched this year with our first collection. We were also invited to be part of the Wolf & Badger community of independent, sustainable designers. Throughout the months, we connected with incredible creators and entrepreneurs to build community and work together on meaningful projects. We attended sustainability conferences and broadened our expertise in this area. We refined and rebranded to better communicate our mission.
Our biggest pinch-me moment was our brand launch in NYC this past July, to a line out the door of friends and eager clients ready to see our latest collection.
From these moments, we garnered many take-aways, here are my biggest:
Impact of Mindset
My biggest insight upon reflecting is the profound impact of mindset. Amidst the hustle of planning, strategizing, and managing tasks, I attribute both successes and setbacks to the power of mindset.
Going forward, I plan to make a conscious effort to have an abundance mindset throughout my tasks, whether it be big vision planning or even the mundane admin tasks.
Significance of Community
Beyond mindset, my favorite takeaway from 2023 is the significance of community. Connecting with like-minded individuals and groups enhanced these experiences and allowed me to better connect to my personal mission and the Rubisnack’s brand purpose.
While we go about things in our own individual worlds, it is enriched through community.
I’m so grateful for all the connections over this past year and look forward to strengthening them in 2024!
Our 2023 Highlights
Here are some standout highlights from our remarkable journey in 2023:
Thank you and here's to a bold 2024!
The learning never stops: We are continuing to refine our collection and offering, while better understanding your needs and ourselves in the process. I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to each one of you for contributing to this meaningful journey.
Thank you to everyone who has been a part of the journey so far. May your 2024 be bright, exciting, and meaningful as you continue to make bold moves!